Our Mission
Our mission is to preserve and protect the natural beauty of Crab Lake. We strive to maintain the environment, ecology and natural character of Crab Lake.
Our Vision
Our vision is to maintain the natural environment of Crab Lake. We manage and prevent aquatic and terrestrial invasive species. We facilitate research studies and other natural scientific testing as they pertain to Crab Lake.
Our Objectives
About Crab Lake
Crab Lake is a 949 acre mesotrophic lake which drains north into Lake Superior. The lake was formed by glaciers which created 24 islands, 25 miles of shoreline and numerous rock bars. It’s irregular shoreline is dotted with downed trees and natural vegetation where fish find refuge and pairs of loons and bald eagles make Crab Lake their home.
Board Members
Bill Mahler
Mike Gray
Vice President
Shelly Jackson
Linda Billhymer
Fran Cole
Chip Gerken
Jake Jackson
David Mulford
Jeannie Mulford
Joe Murray
Bill Overton
Linda Remington
Jack Sprackling
Laura Vuchetich
Nick Williams
Bob Wilson
Marjie Zander